The approval of the Adelina development, that will connect to the Inverness community, is not a foregone conclusion.
- The land is not in the Town of Waxhaw. It is in Union County.
- The Waxhaw Board of Commissioners can choose to not annex.
- The Waxhaw Board of Commissioners can choose to not approve the project.
- Presently, the property is zoned R-40 (Union County) which allows for low to moderate-density single-family residential development.
- I do not believe that the Union County Board of Commissioners would approve a project that is so blatantly detrimental to our community.
Do not acquiesce! We the People tell the government what they are permitted to do.

Thank you for calling out our horrible Mayor. Unfortunately after living in my home for 30 plus years….The Villages of Waxhaw are coming to fruition in my back yard. I’ve fought this for many years to no avail. I feed tons of deer and love the quiet until RON PAPPAS came to town. After 64 years of living in the area….the VILLAGES OF WAXHAW is destroying my life. I’ve let the entire town know over and over that people want peace and quiet. Now my husband and I will have to sell our home and move. I was born here and now….we will have to find another home somewhere to avoid the mess created by this Mayor and his team. To say I’ve shed many tears is an overstatement. A once quiet little home…now 32 townhouse will be right beside and behind our home. No more wildlife….only traffic, cars, noise and destruction. I will be voting for the Waxhaw Wall. It’s too late for us but after you take office…I know you can change the future for other folks. Thank you guys for running. I’m praying for Victory for the Wall.