Why do we call ourselves a “Wall”? Not to keep people out or close ourselves off, but to separate the different motivations that tend to drive public and private institutions. Private institutions are profit-motivated, and public (government) institutions should be service-motivated. The profit motive usefully drives people to work hard, but our public institutions need to be led by people who are service-motivated. Government has the legal power to use force, and should therefore be severely limited in scope of action, and should never be influenced by the profit motive.
Builders of prisons should not be able to influence lawmakers, who might be tempted to enact more stringent laws merely for the purpose of driving demand for prisons.
Makers of tires should not be able to influence transportation regulators, lest they be tempted to regulate for the purpose of driving demand for tires.
Developers of real estate should not be able to influence local government approvals of zoning density, lest they be tempted to approve higher density zoning that paves the way for developer profits.

I completely agree. I’ve fought this entire administration because the Villages of Waxhaw are going to be built on my old home place. I live beside the property now and feed deer and wildlife everyday. All of this will be gone when they build the villages. I’ve met with the officials and was told to move if I did not like it. I’ve blasted the entire Waxhaw government especially RON PAPPAS. I have visited the planning board and cried knowing they will destroy my life with the Villages. I do not have enough time to tell you how hard I have fought these folks. Eventually we will have to find another home. I will not have any peace once this is built. Actually the entire town has gone crazy. I was born here 64 years ago. My dad was a constable when we were young. Back then this was a dry city. No crime. His only duties as constable were to come home from work and leave a paper on someone’s door to let them know of any issues. Peace…quiet…all gone. This entire administration has ruined our lives. I’ve spoken out time after time to the Mayor, Town Manager, Town Planner and pretty much anyone that would listen. I had to file a freedom of information request to receive the results of the town survey and I was one of the 720 who received the survey. The town only revealed the results during a retreat. Of course it was all bad news for the current administration. I actually sent the Observer article from yesterday to everyone in the town including RON PAPPAS. I contacted Mr. Sides and thanked him for voicing his opinions on the school board concerning growth. Surprisingly….I was contacted by the Town Planner Lisa Thompson and her team. I do not care. The town is in grave danger from all in charge. Thank God he has led you to help our town. Godspeed!