A 501(c)4 named “Stand NC, Inc” has funded expensive mailers, text messaging, and robocalls on behalf of the incumbents in Waxhaw’s municipal election this year. This type of non-profit is under no legal obligation to disclose the identity of its donors. There’s no way to “follow the money” back to any particular individual – especially since the payment system they use (Anedot) aggregates funds to avoid linking donors and recipients. This allows them to work outside the parameters of laws pertaining to political contributions and disclosure requirements – dark money.
As per the articles of incorporation below, this non-profit was started by DC attorney Benjamin Mehr who has a political consulting business in Raleigh (The Stewart Group).
As of this writing, their website contains only one page with very little information. The only function seems to be that of a donation portal.
The mailers are encouraging residents to call the Town of Waxhaw phone number and thank the incumbents. This contravenes the spirit, if not the letter, of campaign finance laws that prohibit the use of government resources for “electioneering communication”.
There’s also a contradiction between a statement from a sitting commissioner who is not up for re-election, and a statement on the mailer.

Linking Mayor Ron Pappas back to the developers, we see that he donated to the failed campaign of Scott Stone back in 2021. Mr Stone is currently President of American Engineering, and was seen promoting the Polo Grounds development that is being considered here in Waxhaw.

The Waxhaw Wall has only received funds from concerned residents. We do not have any dark money assisting us.