The October 8, 2024 meeting of the Waxhaw Board of Commissioners saw a wave of public dissatisfaction, as residents took to the podium to criticize three commissioners—Commissioners McMillon, Wesolek, and Hall—for their recent decisions. Public comments centered on the denial of the Planning Board chair’s application for another term, a decision that has raised eyebrows in the community. The chair, known for his diligence in ensuring that development plans adhere to code, was notably denied reappointment, leading to speculation that the decision was made to favor developers over the community’s best interests.
During the meeting, the Planning Board chair himself addressed the commissioners, offering a detailed defense of his decisions and his track record. Using facts and logic, he countered any claims against him, emphasizing his commitment to upholding standards. His remarks were echoed by a fellow member of the Planning Board, who spoke in support of the chair, further underscoring his qualifications and dedication.
Despite this strong defense and the outcry from residents, the three commissioners voted against a motion by Commissioner Daunt to approve the chair’s reappointment. The motion also included the application of a well-qualified military veteran, who had been denied during the previous meeting for reasons that remain unexplained. Both applicants, regarded highly by many in the community, were ultimately rejected, deepening concerns about the motives of the board majority.
The commissioners’ actions didn’t end there. Later in the meeting, they discussed the process for filling the vacant seats on the Planning Board. Despite having already appointed a special board, the Organizational Advisory Board, to interview candidates in July, the majority decided to hold yet another round of interviews through a special meeting. This move was widely viewed as unnecessary and redundant, raising questions about the fairness and transparency of the decision-making process.
The repeated rejections and the decision to redo interviews have fueled criticisms of the commissioners’ arbitrary and capricious behavior. Residents see the actions as a disregard for their input and a lack of respect for community voices. The meeting has left many questioning whether the interests of Waxhaw’s citizens are truly being prioritized in these crucial decisions.