There are 10 Neighborhood Centers depicted on the Future Land Use draft. It is nearly impossible to see the yellow circles over the yellow zoned areas on that map, so I included the Pedestrian Plan map as well. You may ask, what does a Neighborhood Center include?Single-FamilyAttached Cottage HomesDuplex/Triplex/QuadraplexUpper Story ApartmentsLive Work UnitsThe following two […]
Waxhaw Parks & Rec
We love parks and green space, but what are the real needs of our community? The Town of Waxhaw is currently growing the Parks & Rec staff and budget by leaps and bounds in an effort to align with “benchmarks” from NRPA (a private nonprofit). Why the quotes around that word? Well, because the NRPA […]
Top Down Growth Planning
Smart Growth America and How They are Transforming our Town:The Waxhaw Board of Commissioners adopted a development plan created by Smart Growth America. Smart Growth America is a 501-(c)(3) that is funded by organizations such as The Rockefeller Foundation and follows a housing and development model closely aligned with the United Nations 2030 Agenda.The Rockefeller […]
Polo Grounds Proposed Development
Click images for information about the proposal. The property is currently zoned R-1 and EC.
Waxhaw Wall 101
Why do we call ourselves a “Wall”? Not to keep people out or close ourselves off, but to separate the different motivations that tend to drive public and private institutions. Private institutions are profit-motivated, and public (government) institutions should be service-motivated. The profit motive usefully drives people to work hard, but our public institutions need […]
Town Hall Debacle
When 150+ people showed up at the Waxhaw Town Hall Forum meeting to talk about the Adelina development, Mayor Pappas had the gall to tell them they had come to the wrong meeting, and that Adelina would not be discussed. This is typical of the disrespect that we the people get from the current administration.Make […]