Below is a summary of the July 23rd, 2024 meeting of the Waxhaw Board of Commissioners. The meeting began well, with the board voting unanimously to approve an efficiency program for Waxhaw employees. Spearheaded by Commissioner Daunt, this program rewards and recognizes employees who come forward with practical ideas to save the town money and […]
Insulting the Neighbors
On June 25th, the BOC voted to send an insulting resolution to the Union County Board of Commissioners. The main purpose of this resolution was to complain about the BOCC’s decision in April to remove the eastern spur of the Waxhaw Parkway from its transportation plan. However, the resolution also contained the following inflammatory language: […]
Arbor Dr 2 Acre Rezone
On June 25th, 2024, the BOC voted according to the expressed preference of local residents to rezone a 2 acre piece of property on the corner of Old Providence Rd and Arbor Dr. The existing zoning was R3, which meant the owner could’ve built 6 houses by right (without BOC approval). The new zoning is […]
Big Developer Propaganda
There’s nothing wrong with free enterprise and making an honest living, but building/development companies have crossed the line when they seek to subvert the will of the people through obfuscation and outright lies. Even worse, we have seen dark money attempt to influence our local elections in favor of pro-development candidates. Profit-motivated builders and developers […]
Mayor Murray on WBT
Our new Mayor did an excellent job representing Waxhaw this past Thursday on Breaking with Brett Jensen during the broadcast from the Waxhaw FD Cigar Company. Click here to listen. He was able to share some insights about reasons for the success of The Waxhaw Wall last November, and how that ties into Union County […]
DeWitt Denied
On June 11th, the BOC denied a new development for the first time in many years. This project of 312 residential units deviated from Waxhaw’s Land Development Code in many ways, and perhaps the crucial factor was the lack of a necessary easement in the small commercial section. On April 16th, the Planning Board recommended […]