On August 23rd, 2022, the BOC voted to increase the loan for the new town campus from $18M to $20.8M.
20% Property Tax Hike
On July 22nd, 2021, the BOC voted for a budget which did not compensate for the enormous rise in property values post-revaluation. The revenue neutral rate of 32 cents for every $100 of value was ignored. By maintaining the rate of 38.5 cents, property tax revenues subsequently shot up by about 20%. To justify this, […]
High-Density Rezones
On March 9th, 2021, the BOC voted to adopt a new zoning map. This had the effect of rezoning multiple properties to higher densities, most notably the Howie farm right beside downtown – paving the way for the proposed Emerson development.
Extra Year in Office
On January 26th, 2021, the BOC voted in support of moving municipal elections to even years, which would’ve effectively granted themselves an extra year in office. Initially this item was on the consent agenda, but Commissioner Morey moved to remove it so there could be discussion. The resolution still passed, but did not have any […]
Old Town Village Rezone
On Nov 23rd, 2020, the BOC voted to rezone the land for the Old Town Village development – 66 residential units on 9.9 acres. This is a rare example of the Mayor breaking a 2-2 tied vote because a Commissioner was absent. The subdivision vote for this development occurred on July 27th, 2021. The first […]
Preserve at Forest Creek Rezone
On August 25th, 2020, the BOC voted to rezone for the Preserve at Forest Creek development – 504 residential units on 212 acres.